Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

"We seek the top places, but in this quest we never sought fame or record numbers or to just outrun others. Rather, we were racing with ourselves, and we engage in a race in order to achieve the best international practices, to achieve excellence in order to serve our people and improve the quality of life in our country. Our utmost effort is to ensure the sustainability of overall development in our country and commit our responsibilities towards our sons and daughters, grandchildren and the coming generations so as to enable them to live in dignity and prosperity in our beloved country in which citizens enjoy security, stability and contentment."

"The attention given to the human element was and will continue to be the cornerstone in the building of the development system to achieve number 'one' globally, the rank that we have set our sights on as an unswervingly strategic goal."

"Entrepreneurship for the UAE represents one of the most important pillars in building the Emirati character. because our belief in the human element surpasses that in fortune, we also believe that the future is for those who have ambitions. Perhaps, this belief is what made the UAE reach its established status today. It has become a platform for innovation and an entrepreneurship incubator for Arab youth."

"Our vision is that we become one of the best governments in providing quality services, nurturing creative minds, building national talent, innovating solutions and adopting international best practices.We want our government's practices to be a benchmark that other countries can adopt and emulate."


"نحن نسعى إلى المراكز الأولى، ولم يكن سعينا يوماً بحثاً عن شهرة أو أرقام قياسية أو لتسجيل سبق على غيرنا، سباقنا مع أنفسنا وليس مع الآخرين ونحن نسابق لنحقق أفضل الممارسات العالمية ولنتميز فيها خدمة لشعبنا وتحسينا لنوعية الحياة في بلادنا، ونحن نسابق لنضمن استدامة التنمية الشاملة في بلادنا ولننهض بمسؤولياتنا تجاه أبنائنا وأحفادنا وأجيالنا القادمة، ليعيشوا زمنهم بكرامة وسعة ورخاء في وطن عزيز مقتدر ينعم فيه أبناؤه بالأمن والاستقرار والرضا" .
كان الاهتمام بالعنصر البشري وسيظل هو حجر الزاوية في بناء منظومة التطوير وصولاً إلى الرقم "واحد" عالمياً وهي المرتبة التي وضعناها نصب أعيننا هدفاً استراتيجياً لا نحيد عنها" .
"تمثل الريادة لدينا في دولة الإمارات أحد الأركان المهمة في بناء الشخصية الإماراتية، لأننا نؤمن بالإنسان أكثر مما نؤمن بالمال، ونؤمن أيضاً بأن المستقبل يملكه من يملك الطموح، لعل هذا الإيمان هو الذي أوصل الإمارات إلى ما هي عليه اليوم، بل وجعلها محطة رئيسية للإبداع ينظر إليها الكثير من الشباب العربي كمثال للبيئة التي يتمناها".
"إن رؤيتنا للحكومة هي أن تكون من أفضل الحكومات العالمية في تقديم الخدمات، وأن تكون مكاناً للإبداع ولاحتضان الطاقات المواطنة المؤمنة بقيادتها، والقادرة على ابتكار الحلول وتبني أفضل الممارسات العالمية، بل إننا نريد أن تكون ممارسات الحكومة عندنا هي الممارسات القياسية التي تسعى الدول إلى تبنيها وتقليدها" . - See more at:
"We seek the top places, but in this quest we never sought fame or record numbers or to just outrun others. Rather, we were racing with ourselves, and we engage in a race in order to achieve the best international practices, to achieve excellence in order to serve our people and improve the quality of life in our country. Our utmost effort is to ensure the sustainability of overall development in our country and commit our responsibilities towards our sons and daughters, grandchildren and the coming generations so as to enable them to live in dignity and prosperity in our beloved country in which citizens enjoy security, stability and contentment."
"The attention given to the human element was and will continue to be the cornerstone in the building of the development system to achieve number 'one' globally, the rank that we have set our sights on as an unswervingly strategic goal."
"Entrepreneurship for the UAE represents one of the most important pillars in building the Emirati character. because our belief in the human element surpasses that in fortune, we also believe that the future is for those who have ambitions. Perhaps, this belief is what made the UAE reach its established status today. It has become a platform for innovation and an entrepreneurship incubator for Arab youth."
"Our vision is that we become one of the best governments in providing quality services, nurturing creative minds, building national talent, innovating solutions and adopting international best practices.We want our government's practices to be a benchmark that other countries can adopt and emulate."
- See more at:
"We seek the top places, but in this quest we never sought fame or record numbers or to just outrun others. Rather, we were racing with ourselves, and we engage in a race in order to achieve the best international practices, to achieve excellence in order to serve our people and improve the quality of life in our country. Our utmost effort is to ensure the sustainability of overall development in our country and commit our responsibilities towards our sons and daughters, grandchildren and the coming generations so as to enable them to live in dignity and prosperity in our beloved country in which citizens enjoy security, stability and contentment."
"The attention given to the human element was and will continue to be the cornerstone in the building of the development system to achieve number 'one' globally, the rank that we have set our sights on as an unswervingly strategic goal."
"Entrepreneurship for the UAE represents one of the most important pillars in building the Emirati character. because our belief in the human element surpasses that in fortune, we also believe that the future is for those who have ambitions. Perhaps, this belief is what made the UAE reach its established status today. It has become a platform for innovation and an entrepreneurship incubator for Arab youth."
"Our vision is that we become one of the best governments in providing quality services, nurturing creative minds, building national talent, innovating solutions and adopting international best practices.We want our government's practices to be a benchmark that other countries can adopt and emulate."
- See more at:
"We seek the top places, but in this quest we never sought fame or record numbers or to just outrun others. Rather, we were racing with ourselves, and we engage in a race in order to achieve the best international practices, to achieve excellence in order to serve our people and improve the quality of life in our country. Our utmost effort is to ensure the sustainability of overall development in our country and commit our responsibilities towards our sons and daughters, grandchildren and the coming generations so as to enable them to live in dignity and prosperity in our beloved country in which citizens enjoy security, stability and contentment."
"The attention given to the human element was and will continue to be the cornerstone in the building of the development system to achieve number 'one' globally, the rank that we have set our sights on as an unswervingly strategic goal."
"Entrepreneurship for the UAE represents one of the most important pillars in building the Emirati character. because our belief in the human element surpasses that in fortune, we also believe that the future is for those who have ambitions. Perhaps, this belief is what made the UAE reach its established status today. It has become a platform for innovation and an entrepreneurship incubator for Arab youth."
"Our vision is that we become one of the best governments in providing quality services, nurturing creative minds, building national talent, innovating solutions and adopting international best practices.We want our government's practices to be a benchmark that other countries can adopt and emulate."
- See more at:
"We seek the top places, but in this quest we never sought fame or record numbers or to just outrun others. Rather, we were racing with ourselves, and we engage in a race in order to achieve the best international practices, to achieve excellence in order to serve our people and improve the quality of life in our country. Our utmost effort is to ensure the sustainability of overall development in our country and commit our responsibilities towards our sons and daughters, grandchildren and the coming generations so as to enable them to live in dignity and prosperity in our beloved country in which citizens enjoy security, stability and contentment."
"The attention given to the human element was and will continue to be the cornerstone in the building of the development system to achieve number 'one' globally, the rank that we have set our sights on as an unswervingly strategic goal."
"Entrepreneurship for the UAE represents one of the most important pillars in building the Emirati character. because our belief in the human element surpasses that in fortune, we also believe that the future is for those who have ambitions. Perhaps, this belief is what made the UAE reach its established status today. It has become a platform for innovation and an entrepreneurship incubator for Arab youth."
"Our vision is that we become one of the best governments in providing quality services, nurturing creative minds, building national talent, innovating solutions and adopting international best practices.We want our government's practices to be a benchmark that other countries can adopt and emulate."
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