HH Sheikha Fatima Bint Mubarak

“I have always believed that mothers are the backbone of nations. Inside every mother is a nation full of love and authenticity,” 

“She is an oasis of creativity, innovation and endless giving which she transforms to her children.

“We see these qualities in our loyal sons and daughters, who follow the guidance of our wise leadership and aspire for our country to be at the forefront of a better and brighter future.”

“We are proud of your dedication and sacrifices, which embed love, hope and humanity across the globe” 


Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

 “Everybody starts small. We all begin life as a single cell. Every business starts as one person with an idea. How fast you go, how far you get, is in your hands. The bigger your vision, the bigger your achievement will be. Will you stumble on the way? Perhaps, but we cannot let fear keep us small. We have to be brave to be big.”

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

 "من السهل أن تحكم الناس بالخوف، ولكنّ قلة نادرة من الزعماء الذين استطاعوا أن يحكموا الناس بالحب”

"It is easy to rule through fear, but it takes a rare leader to rule through love.”

Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan

 Today is international women’s day, and I encourage all those in the UAE to think on the immense service and sacrifice that the women of the UAE past and present have given for their nation. Female leadership and empowerment is at the core of any national success.

في اليوم العالمي للمرأة.. نحتفي بها تكريما لانجازاتها وعطاءاتها وتعزيزا لحقوقها وتأكيدا على مواصلتنا دعمها وتمكينها ..وتحية للمرأة في الإمارات التي تعد نموذجا عالميا وركنا أساسيا من قصة بناء دولتنا ونجاح مسيرتها وتقدمها. كل عام وكل نساء العالم بخير.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

 "We are united by thinking of a better tomorrow and we are united by a desire to make 2021 the greatest year in the UAE's development."

Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan

On this glorious day, we treasure the values of sacrifice and love for the nation and we highly honour and pay profound gratitude and reverence to the heroes of national duty who wrote with their pure blood the epic of dignity and glory. 

We confirm that the nation will never forget those who offered their blood and lives in defence of the nation. Our martyrs will also remain the source of dignity, glory and a beacon for generations, and their families and children will receive from us, and from the state and community, full care and attention.

We, in our united and unified house, are capable of preserving and protecting the state which our forefathers founded on the values of charity, giving, generosity, advocating for right and standing with the oppressed. The sacrifices of our martyrs will further solidify our will, determination, strength, cohesion and solidarity.

...We salute our proud people, our soldiers, officers and commanders of the UAE Armed Forces, who are stationed in the battlefields of honour and dignity in defence of the nation and state and for raising its national flag high.

We also salute Emirati men and women who are working in the fields of charity, security, performing their civilian and humanitarian duty inside and outside the UAE.


Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan

في يوم العلم يزداد فخرنا براية العز والمجد التي تظلنا..ويتعمق تصميمنا على أن نبقيها دائماً رمزاً عالمياً للتميز والتقدم والتفرد..واليوم ونحن نرفع العلم عاليا فوق رؤوسنا نستلهم من دماء الشهداء التي سالت دفاعا عنه، القوة والعزم لجعل الإمارات في المقدمة في كل المجالات.

The UAE flag is, and will always remain, a symbol of peace and progress. On Flag Day, we remember the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to defend their flag, and we remind ourselves of the UAE’s determination to be at the forefront of development.


Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

 “We have great confidence in the determination of the people of this nation to [not only] rise to the highest ranks and in their exceptional ability to overcome all difficult situations, but to transform them into new opportunities for success and raise the ceiling of our dreams for the future of our nation."


Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan

أدعوكم إلى التحلى بالإيجابية وروح التفاؤل التي تعلمناها من والدنا زايد في مواجهة التحديات كافة ، وأن نخلق من التحديات فرص نجاح.

آباؤنا وأجدادنا مروا بأزمات عديدة واجهوها بالصبر  والأمل والتفاؤل، ما أحوجنا اليوم الى الاقتداء بهم.

I ask you all to arm yourselves with positivity and optimism in the face of all challenges.Challenges are opportunities for success.

Our fathers & forefathers faced many challenges with patience, hope & optimism. Let us today take their lead and make their attitudes our example.


HH Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak

" ان مسيرة تمكين المرأة الإماراتية متواصلة على كافة الصعد ، و جميع الأيام في الإمارات هي أيام دعم وتمكين ومساندة وعطاء للمرأة فاهتمام ورعاية القيادة الرشيدة للمرأة وتذليل العقبات لتمكينها في المجتمع يشار"