Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan

This significant setting for me is associated with an incident, initiated by the lack of water, which is essential for us. At that time, in his early age, the late Sheikh Zayed himself took part with his friends in digging water wells and water streams (Falajs). Which brings us to another topic, living in the Arabian Peninsula with no rivers around, and with around 70 million inhabitants today, but, thank God, we have the resources, the wealth that enables us to distill sea water. However, I’d like to take you on a trip 50 years ahead of us. In 50 years’ time, the population of the Arabian Peninsula will be around 3 times as many. Certainly, there won’t be a river over here; certainly, there won’t be any more oil or gas, either. This thinking is being shared by our government right as from today: our future generations in the next 50 years. What our forefathers had suffered will also be suffered by our children and grandchildren. That’s why it’s important to mention it and reflect on it.

(2015 UAE Government Summit)